Arrested Development season one
"Arrested Development" is a mockumentary that follows the wealthy and infamous Bluth Family and their company. When Father and CEO George Bluth gets arrested for various crimes like tax evasion, the smartest Bluth, his son Micheal, has to take over while also dealing with his family´s shenanigans.
Even though "Arrested Development" is a mockumentary, the camera is never really adressed or being paid attention to, which creates a more natural flow through each episode than other mockumentaries like the "Office" have. The narration also manages to keep the rythm from scene to scene.
Another admirable thing about this show is the worldbuilding. The world and characters may be very wacky and over the top at times, but they still are down-to-earth in their own rules and consistencies. However, to pull this off so flawlessly, the performances have to be as convincing as their characters. And they are! There is not a single bad performance in this show and the comedic timing is stellar in every scene.
Combine these two factors and you get a show that is not just funny but also unique in a way you won't see anywhere else on TV.
von corvin 21 Jahre, Redaktion Köln 2 am 16.03.2018, Format: TV
"Arrested Development" is one of the most hilarious shows there are. Nonetheless, it can be hard to binge watch due to characters being incredible selfish and mean, so that one needs some positive vibes after watching an episode.Weitere Informationen
- USA 2003
- Unterhaltung
- Regisseur/in: Ron Howard, Mitchell Hurwitz
- Darsteller/innen: Jason Bateman, Jessica Walter, Jeffrey Tambor, Will Arnett, David Cross
- Länge: 21min min.
- Verlag: Fox/Netflix
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